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Hey, I’m Whitley and this is Whit Around the World where I write about going places and the joy I find in getting there.

My Love Affair with Airport Lounges

My Love Affair with Airport Lounges

If you’ve followed any of my obnoxious Instagram travel stories you know I’m a sucker for a good airport lounge. At this point, I couldn’t imagine travel without the oasis of sleek lounge chairs and clean bathrooms. Post-COVID I’ll be interested to see how lounges adapt in terms of food and hygiene, but for now allow me the indulgence of breaking down why access to these spaces is so valuable. (Find out how to gain lounge access.)

  1. Food and drink: Goes without saying, there is NOTHING more satisfying than free food and booze. Nothing. Obviously the level of sophistication varies by lounge, but even being able to grab a bag of chips instead of spending $7 is a welcome perk. Each lounge is different in terms of its layout and offerings; most will have a buffet option of some kind and some will have a counter to place an order or even a full sit down restaurant (like the Cathay Pacific First Class Lounge at LHR). I often joke the scones in the British Airways lounge are why I remain Oneworld loyal...but is it really a joke? And what would travel be without a pre-flight glass of champagne? In my experience most lounges offer at least complimentary wine and beer, some you will have to pay for liquor. Of course there’s also coffee, tea, and soft drinks on hand as well. I always try to snag a couple of the cute mini soda cans for my flight.

  2. Rest and relaxation: There is nothing better than knowing you won’t have to fight for a place to set your things down or charge your phone. One of the biggest perks of lounge access is being able to comfortably rest, relax, and wait in peace for your flight. Some lounges have huge overstuffed couches, reclining chairs, private pods, and even “relaxation rooms” where you can get a bit of shuteye. If you have a long layover, this is how you want to spend it instead of listening to airport announcements over the loudspeaker in a crowded terminal for hours on end.

  3. Work space: Wifi, check. Dedicated work spaces, check. Even conference rooms and printers, check. If you have actual work to get done a lounge will offer you the space and resources you need. Bonus: the wifi will actually work.

  4. Showers and bathrooms: You ever gotten off an overnight flight and hopped right into a shower to freshen up before your next leg? It’s life changing. Not only are the lounge bathrooms nicer than what you’ll find in the airport, but some have shower rooms that make you feel like you’re in Tom Haverford’s apartment...amenities everywhere. Razors, tooth brushes, lotions, creams, towels, etc.

  5. Customer service: Perhaps one of the most underrated benefits of lounge access is the dedicated customer service desk to help you if your flight gets canceled, delayed, or you need to be re-routed. Instead of competing with hundreds of others lined up at a customer service desk, you’re one of just a handful. 

By all accounts, travel has become less glamorous, more of a hassle, and less fun. Lounge access is one of those things that makes travel just a little bit easier. Part of the fun in travel, at least for me, is also exploring new lounges around the world. From sprawling lounges with balcony views at SIN to designer-chic digs at LHR to pure luxury at DOH—as always, half the fun is getting there. 

How I Survive Overnight Flights

How I Survive Overnight Flights

Whit in Amsterdam

Whit in Amsterdam