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Hey, I’m Whitley and this is Whit Around the World where I write about going places and the joy I find in getting there.

Hey, I'm Whitley

Hey, I'm Whitley

Hey there, I’m Whitley Gaffney — an almost thirty-something based in Washington, DC and wannabe travel blogger. I kid, I kid; I’m actually happily employed by a large professional services company, but when I’m not working my 9-5 or trying to convince them to transfer me overseas, I’m dreaming up my next adventure. Like Jack Dawson said, “I figure life’s PTO’s a gift and I don't intend on wasting it.”

Over the past two years I’ve found myself traveling internationally more than the previous ten years combined. I wanted to carve out my own little corner of the internet to impart just a little bit of travel wisdom and chronicle my globetrotting for myself. I hope this blog serves as a virtual storybook of the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen, and the memories I’ve created so I can look back on them one day. Also “in these times” what better way to keep from going stir crazy than looking back on past trips and thinking up new ones? 

So buckle up and locate your nearest emergency exit because TBH this writing could be pretty bad 😬.

And to my mom and handful of girlfriends who will actually read this — shoutout to you guys, y’all some real ones.

What I Travel With

What I Travel With